The Moshe Mevorah Shabbat Fund
If there is anyone who can entertain, excite and inspire, it's definitely the world famous Rav Gav Friedman
We had a major, action packed, two-day excursion this week and it was a smashing success!
Chief Rabbi, Hagaon Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef shlita is honored as 'Sandak' at Rabbi Franco's son's bris
Sukkot 5780 at Lev Aharon; an experience of true joy!
Our alumni return for the Chagim
An exciting trip to Park Begin
Special siyum by our dear almnus Jack Dayon
Utilizing the opportunity to pray at the graves of our Forefather in the 'aseret yemei teshuva'
A visit from our honored president, Mr. Alan Safdeye
Rabbi Ezra Dayan's weekly Tomchei Shabbat project to help families in need
Our yearly tzitzit workshop by Rabbi Sinai Yaghobian
Our first trip and Shabbaton for year '19 - '20
This summer we had some fabulous learning programs to keep the Lev Aharon spirit going
We Invite Everyone to come join in this Beautiful Event!
Every year we end off the zman on a spiritual and emotional high as the boys conclude their last moments with a siyum to celebrate their accomplishments
Rabbi Laniado was advised by Hagaon Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky shlita to make a “Yom Kippur Katan” on the last day of the month and recite the customary prayers.
Part of the Lev Aharon mission is to teach the boys the mitzvot of chessed and accomplishing for the Jewish people
For the Shabbat after Lag Ba’omer, the Yeshiva went to Hadera for a shabbaton
Aryeh Benguira, is presently our only student from Outremont, Montreal.