Impact Community Event - Postponed
Rabbi Sinai Yaghobian spent the past week in the States...
It was touching to see so many Lev Aharon alumni who came to participate in my simcha.
Chacham Ezra Dayan Shlita hardly ever leaves the Yeshiva and rarely leaves Eretz Yisroel.
If anyone would like to arrange to see him or have him speak in your shul please contact Jack Box Dayon at 732-546-6409.
You can receive Rabbi Dayan's messages straight to your phone
Ezra Azizo’s “Mishmar Mission” is really taking off in Brooklyn. He has invited some unique, inspirational speakers to address the boys who sat spellbound.
Ezra Azizo, a proud Lev Aharon alumnus, wears many hats. [Perhaps his favorite one is his beloved “Make America Great Again” hat!]
The final preparations are underway for an unforgettable event in Lev Aharon
Mabrook to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Greenstein on the birth of a baby girl.
Here's your chance to finish a whole masechet in one day
Our Proud Alumni… Our Greatest Pride
Lev Aharon has added a new class covering Ta’amim, Hazzanut, Makamim and בקשות של שבת.