Alumni News

Preperations for the Hachnasat Sefer Torah

September 30, 2024

Excitement is in the air! The final  preparations are underway  for an unforgettable event in Lev Aharon. Next week, B'ezrat Hashem, on Sunday (January 13) the Yeshiva will celebrate a hachnasat Sefer Torah that was generously donated by Mr. and Mrs. Morris Dweck, in honor of their son Joey (who is in his second year in Lev Aharon), and all the students. The boys made a one night telethon fundraiser to raise money for the Yeshiva by selling dedication opportunities for Parshiyot, Pesukim and letters in the Torah. Jack “Box” Dayan surprised us and flew in to encourage the boys and direct them in their campaign. Baruch Hashem, they were very successful and, with Siyata D’Shmaya, raised over $50,000 dollars!

On Thursday night (Jan 10), we will be visiting kevarim of the holy tzaddikim. ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO SEND IN NAMES FOR TEFILLOT PLEASE CONTACT THE YESHIVA.  For Shabbat, Parshat Bo, the Yeshiva and staff will be travel ing to the holy city of Tzfat where, after an inspirational Shabbat together, each student will be honored with writing a letter in the sefer Torah. When we return on Sunday afternoon, B'ezrat Hashem, we will head to the Chief Rabbi, HaGaon Chacham HaRav Yitzchak Yosef shlita, who will write the final letters in the sefer Torah. Then, the procession, singing and dancing will begin…….!!!