Yeshiva News

Everyone Loves Mike!

September 30, 2024

Michael Shlomo is our beloved Av Bayit. As an alumnus of Lev Aharon he knows what it’s like to be a teenager and with his warmth, humor and deep concern for each boy, he is really a father figure to our students. Growing up in England, Michael was always a cool kid with a knack for making money and already at a young age, he had built himself up a profitable business. Fancy cars and living the life at some point felt empty and he came to Lev Aharon, giving it all up for the opportunity to grow and come closer to Hashem. It might seem like a big sacrifice, but for Michael, there was never any turning back. When he addressed the students in a jam packed mishmar night, the boys sat spellbound as he shared the story of his life and his tremendous desire to become the special person that he is. May he continue inspiring, uplifting and encouraging us for many years to come!